Friday, March 15, 2019

3/15- Behind the Scenes at Shrek Jr!

Shrek Jr. is Here!

On Thursday morning,
 those of us who are not involved in the play
 had the pleasure of seeing it.
 It was phenomenal and oh so funny. 
Here are some pictures and videos
of the performers behind the scenes. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019

3/4- Room 207- A Ton to Share

7th Grade- Maya Angelou Responses

"Caged Bird" (C, R, A, B)

'Phenomenal Woman" (C,T,K,E,A,L)

"Song For the Old Ones" (K, J, L)

"Human Family" (E, W, T) 

"Alone (L, J, J)"

"Preacher Don't Send Me" (Response poem by JO)

“Don’t Send Me”
by JO

Please  don't send me to church  
were it smells of old people,   
And the preachers sermons
Are anything but  memorable.
It's completely  boring.
The crowd yells songs at the priest,
and when he gets fed up
he screams back like a beast.

There are lots of people who sing
And none of them on beat.
I have to stand when they stand
and when they sit, take a seat.
Like puppets on strings
responding to unseen cues
flopping like fish
Into endless pews.

Instead of church
take me where I can ball .
To the courts,
I hear the call.  
It's a splash
when the shots all net   
nothing else matters;
It's the best it gets

I’d call the court
my joy in life
where we play fair
and the kids are nice.
Where the coaches are funny
And comments aren't sugar coated.
Promise me this
and I'll be devoted.

8th Grade Singles Released

While the Romeo and Juliet: the Nonexistent Musical 's
complete album is has not dropped yet,
some singles have been released.

Romeo and Juliet: Act 1, Scene V S&Z (Copa Cabana)

Romeo and Juliet: Act IV Scene I: M, Z, T (1000 Miles)

Romeo and Juliet: Act II Scene I and II- M and Z (Wonderwall)

Romeo and Juliet: Act I, Scene II M,M,J (Don't Stop Believing)

Romeo and Juliet: Act IV, Scene III C&A (Let it Go)

Romeo and Juliet: Act II, Scene III- C, S, V, A -(Forget You)

Romeo and Juliet: Act II, Scenes V and VI C,J,V (Old McDonald and Going to the Chapel)

Romeo and Juliet: Act IV, Scene IV C&A (Wheels on the Bus)

Steam Club with Providence Center

The 8th grade is teaming up
with kids from the Providence Center 
for an after school STEAM CLUB. 
This Monday was the first meeting. 

We can't wait for the next meeting on April 15!

Pop-up Service

7th and 8th graders met on Sunday, 3/3,
to make casseroles for St. John's Hospice, 
an organization that serves
 homeless men in a variety of ways. 

It's show time! 

Shrek Jr. , the school show, is only two weekends away! 

Tickets are on sale now. The shows are Friday, March 15

7th Grade Speeches

7th Grade Speeches Kadin  Stevie Will Aidan