8th Grade
In LA class the 8th grade is flying through nouns.
They were able to supply the entire outline at the beginning of the unit,
examples and all.
Here they are reviewing for the test this Friday.
They worked in partners at various stations throughout the classroom
with a different topic at each one.
8th has already had a test on the summer prefixes and roots set.

They studied the meaning of the prefixes and roots
and how they are used in a variety of words.
7th Grade
7th grade had a good time studying their vocabulary words with a skits game.
Here is W. COMMENDEERING K.'s box.
S. SALVAGES her teddy from the DEBRIS.
A. offers an unexplainable and SPASMODIC attack on the box.
They are certainly settling into their new homeroom...
and making themselves comfortable.
Stay tuned. There is a lot of excitement in our near future.