Friday, May 17, 2019

5/17- 7th GRADE

7th Humor

7th Grade read "The Night the Bed Fell",
 a humorous essay that the writer explains would be better told in person. 
7th graders brainstormed a humorous event in their life, then told the story to a partner. 
After receiving feed back from their partners,
 they switched and tried to make the same story even funnier for the next partner. 
They did this six times and then shared their humorous stories with the class. 

7th Grade Review Games

Volunteering at Sonshine Academy

Picnic Lunch

Friday, May 10, 2019

5/10 8th Grade ...8 STEAM w/ PC, John's Baptism, 8 CAPSTONE

8th Capstone on Climate Change

I am so wildly proud of this class!

On Thursday they presented their Capstone Project on Climate Change.

Each student presented a TED Talk on a topic of his/ her choice. 

Students then worked in groups to present on climate change as it relates to either
oceans, the arctic, extreme weather, or consequences for humans. 

Students then work in different groups to present big ideas for solutions. 

Their hard work, perseverance, collaboration, presentation,
 and ability to think through any and every challenge that arose astounds me.
 I am enormously proud of them and all that they have grown to be. 

8th Grade STEAM with Providence Center 

Congratulations to John,

who chose to join the Catholic Church this past Easter

It says his favorite subject is English. 
I thought that was worth pointing out. 

7th Grade Speeches

7th Grade Speeches Kadin  Stevie Will Aidan