Friday, January 11, 2019

1/7- Room 207


On Friday, January 3, the three kings visited all of the classrooms
and blessed the doors in preparation
of the feast of the Three Kings on January 6.

This feast celebrates
Jesus' first manifestation to the Gentiles
through the Magi.

Of course the Three Wise Ones were chosen from the class of 2020,
and we are very proud of them
for leading the school in this celebration of faith.

One Acts

The 8th graders are directing four one act plays
starring the 5th-7th graders.
We have been practicing a lot this week
to get them stage ready for their grandparents.


The 8th grade has started reading Romeo and Juliet.
Their experience with Shakespeare shows,
and they are comprehending much more fully
all the riches that this play offers.

Because I have chosen to attribute this
to their experience reading Shakespeare,
They have inspired me to read
A Midsummer Night's Dream
with the current 7th grade...

and the 7th graders did not disappoint.
They instantly met the challenge
and are merrily making their way through
this well loved comedy.

Their enthusiastic engagement with the text
promises that they will get as much out of the experience
that the 8th graders did last year.


Vocabulary Skits





7th Grade Speeches

7th Grade Speeches Kadin  Stevie Will Aidan