8th Grade
In literature the 8th grade has started reading Of Mice and Men.
Steinbeck teaches us a lot about
the art of the written word,
the arch of a story,
and the reason we are all here.
We are going to dig deep into all of it.
In preparation for developing their writing skills,
they are practicing using the text to support their internal image of the settings.
They pulled quotes that spoke directly to the image of the first setting,
and only drew what was written.
This is practice for pulling quotes from a variety of credible sources
to support their ideas in their critical essays and research papers.
It also gives them practice with proper punctuation of quoted material and citing sources.
We are entering the big leagues, and this is just the warm up lap.
They have also been brainstorming topics for their Capstone Project,
which they will be presenting to you in the spring.
6th-8th Religion Classes
6-8 religion classes started work on a program called Start with Hello.
It aims to help students identify those who are socially isolated around them,
develop realistic ways to reach out to them,
and start with "hello,"
all with the ultimate goal of creating a community
where each individual feels seen and a sense of belonging.
7th Grade
7th grade completed both a nouns unit and vocabulary unit this week.
They started reading The Outsiders
and working on a characterization project
they will be adding to throughout the first half of the novel.
They will be covering Elements of Fiction
with a focus on both plot and characterization.
I have yet to meet a seventh grader who didn't enjoy this book.
They will begin essay work on Friday
with an emphasis on form.