Friday, October 18, 2019

10/15-18- START WITH HELLO PROJECTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As promised


6/7 Grades

S , M , Z, and S


G and A

S and T

Stay tuned for the 8th grade ads next week. 

Founder's Day:Part 1

6th grade led the school in prayer to celebrate 
the founding of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. 
During this prayer service, 
each grade's service project/partner for the year
was revealed in a truly beautiful commissioning service. 

7th Grade started their service with Epiphany House the very next day.

Of course I forgot to take pictures
 while we were actually doing the service, 
but I got these shots of the kids on their walk to and from. 

Next time I will get the actual acts of service. 

Founder's Day: Part 2

On Friday the middle school ran games and service stations 
for the lower school and early childhood children. 
Great  weather and amazing middle schoolers
made for a perfect celebration. 

Soccer Pep Rally

All HCA soccer teams were recognized and cheered 
during ur pep rally on Thursday. 
Go dragons!

7th Grade Speeches

7th Grade Speeches Kadin  Stevie Will Aidan